Playback on smartphones

How often do you find yourself listening to music while simultaneously watching a video or listening to podcast whilst playing a video game? I do it every day on my desktop and laptop. Also, Mac has a slight disadvantage: you can’t control volume of individual apps. I honestly can’t live without it, it is so overlooked.

Every now and then I want to do the same on my smartphone, be it an iPhone or Android.
Unfortunately it is impossible on iPhone, and it is far from being straightforward on Android too.

Apparently there are solution for this:
Samsung has SoundAssistant (some other OEMs have their own software for this)

This app allows can:

  • Set individual application volume
  • EQ settings
  • Multi app sound so all apps can be played simultaneously

Now, unfortunately I didn’t test it, but I would love to. And unfortunately it seems that there isn’t one solution which would work on any device. But at least there is such option.

I understand but do not accept the premise that since we use our phones on the go that we should for some reason such important functionality that we had for decades, especially that smartphones are more capable than ever and are increasingly more popular, versatile and pervasive.