Brand ecosystem is dumb

...if it is closed off, as it happens most of the time. I’m speaking about tech, all kinds of devices and software, specifically.

I got sick and tired of seeing companies launching an ecosystem or adding yet another product to the lineup.
My problem with that is, I think that a product should work regardless of the ecosystem. Otherwise, it most likely will be a landfill in a month. Let’s take my favorite product: speakers. “Smart” speakers, for that matter. Why are they “smart”? Because ecosystem!
Can I use HomePod with BlueTooth? I can’t. Can I use some generic stupid ass shit bluetooth speakers from any device? Hell yes!
That’s where I call out ecosystems bullshit as it is. Other “non-ecosystem”, “limited functionality”, “no magic” devices just work with anything.
But there I’ll have to buy a whole lot of standalone products, which are useless on its own. I can’t pair Apple Watch to an Android. I can’t transfer files between an iPhone and other non-apple device. Is that what you call an ecosystem? I call it limitation and a failure.

Sure, most users, and more specifically Apple users won’t care about it, and will happily buy another Apple product. But people on a tight budget or tech enthusiasts do care about this.
I can’t justify buying a device which is useless, unless I buy 10 other devices to complement it.
With this approach comes greediness: let’s make this device do that, but not the other, so that people will have motivation to buy all of our stuff.

Fuck that.

More often than not ecosystem puts on more limitations than I would have if all devices would be regular standalone products.
Some features that require an “ecosystem” just work like crap, so you would be even better off without it. Apple’s Handoff, for example.
Apple’s ecosystem promises, or at least implies synchronization between devices, but fails to do so in practice. I would even go as far as to say that it is not practically possible today.

I can’t imagine any serious (or even a personal) project relying on software that runs only on one OS.
I can’t allow to be cut off. Hell, some of Apple’s own apps and a ton of third party apps are not crossplatform because of some bizarre and stupid reasons. Where is the ecosystem if I can’t continue working on another device?
What if my iPhone dies and I can’t access notes or projects in an Apple ecosystem exclusive app? What if I decide to add non-Apple devices into the mix? The “magic” disappears.